* Provides IO functions to interface between the BIO buffers and TCL
* applications when using stacked channels.
* Copyright (C) 1997-2000 Matt Newman <matt@novadigm.com>
* Copyright (C) 2000 Ajuba Solutions
* Copyright (C) 2024 Brian O'Hagan
* Additional credit is due for Andreas Kupries (a.kupries@westend.com), for
* providing the Tcl_ReplaceChannel mechanism and working closely with me
* to enhance it to support full fileevent semantics.
* Also work done by the follow people provided the impetus to do this "right":
* tclSSL (Colin McCormack, Shared Technology)
* SSLtcl (Peter Antman)
tlsBIO.c tlsIO.c
+------+ +---+ +---+
| |Tcl_WriteRaw<--BioOutput|SSL|BIO_write<--TlsOutputProc<--Write| |
|socket| <encrypted> |BIO| <unencrypted> |App|
| |Tcl_ReadRaw --> BioInput| |BIO_Read -->TlsInputProc --> Read| |
+------+ +---+ +---+
#include "tlsInt.h"
#include <errno.h>
* TlsBlockModeProc --
* This procedure is invoked by the generic IO level to set channel to
* blocking or nonblocking mode. Called by the generic I/O layer whenever
* the Tcl_SetChannelOption() function is used with option -blocking.
* Results:
* 0 if successful or POSIX error code if failed.
* Side effects:
* Sets the device into blocking or nonblocking mode.
static int TlsBlockModeProc(
ClientData instanceData, /* Connection state info */
int mode) /* Blocking or non-blocking mode */
State *statePtr = (State *) instanceData;
statePtr->flags |= TLS_TCL_ASYNC;
} else {
statePtr->flags &= ~(TLS_TCL_ASYNC);
return 0;
* TlsCloseProc --
* This procedure is invoked by the generic IO level to perform channel
* type specific cleanup when a SSL socket based channel is closed. Called
* by the generic I/O layer whenever the Tcl_Close() function is used.
* Results:
* 0 if successful or POSIX error code if failed.
* Side effects:
* Closes the socket of the channel.
static int TlsCloseProc(
ClientData instanceData, /* Connection state info */
Tcl_Interp *interp) /* Tcl interpreter to report errors to */
State *statePtr = (State *) instanceData;
dprintf("TlsCloseProc(%p)", (void *) statePtr);
/* Send shutdown notification. Will return 0 while in process, then 1 when
complete. Only closes the write direction of the connection; the read
direction is closed by the peer. Does not affect socket state. Don't
call after fatal error. */
if (statePtr->ssl != NULL && !(statePtr->flags & TLS_TCL_HANDSHAKE_FAILED)) {
/* Tls_Free calls Tls_Clean */
Tcl_EventuallyFree((ClientData)statePtr, Tls_Free);
return 0;
* TlsClose2Proc --
* Similar to TlsCloseProc, but allows for separate close read and write
* side of channel.
static int TlsClose2Proc(
ClientData instanceData, /* Connection state info */
Tcl_Interp *interp, /* Tcl interpreter to report errors to */
int flags) /* Flags to close read/write side of channel */
State *statePtr = (State *) instanceData;
dprintf("TlsClose2Proc(%p)", (void *) statePtr);
if ((flags & (TCL_CLOSE_READ|TCL_CLOSE_WRITE)) == 0) {
return TlsCloseProc(instanceData, interp);
return EINVAL;
* Tls_WaitForConnect --
* Perform connect (client) or accept (server) function. Also performs
* equivalent of handshake function.
* Result:
* 1 if successful, 0 if wait for connect, and -1 if failed.
* Side effects:
* Issues SSL_accept or SSL_connect
int Tls_WaitForConnect(
State *statePtr, /* Connection state info */
int *errorCodePtr, /* Storage for error code to return */
int handshakeFailureIsPermanent) /* Is the connect failure permanent */
unsigned long backingError;
int err, rc = 0;
int bioShouldRetry;
*errorCodePtr = 0;
dprintf("WaitForConnect(%p)", (void *) statePtr);
/* Can also check SSL_is_init_finished(ssl) */
if (!(statePtr->flags & TLS_TCL_INIT)) {
dprintf("Tls_WaitForConnect called on already initialized channel -- returning with immediate success");
return 1;
if (statePtr->flags & TLS_TCL_HANDSHAKE_FAILED) {
* Different types of operations have different requirements
* SSL being established
if (handshakeFailureIsPermanent) {
dprintf("Asked to wait for a TLS handshake that has already failed. Returning fatal error");
*errorCodePtr = ECONNABORTED;
} else {
dprintf("Asked to wait for a TLS handshake that has already failed. Returning soft error");
*errorCodePtr = ECONNRESET;
return -1;
for (;;) {
/* Not initialized yet! Also calls SSL_do_handshake(). */
if (statePtr->flags & TLS_TCL_SERVER) {
dprintf("Calling SSL_accept()");
err = SSL_accept(statePtr->ssl);
} else {
dprintf("Calling SSL_connect()");
err = SSL_connect(statePtr->ssl);
/* 1=successful, 0=not successful and shut down, <0=fatal error */
if (err > 0) {
dprintf("Accept or connect was successful");
err = BIO_flush(statePtr->bio);
if (err <= 0) {
dprintf("Flushing the lower layers failed, this will probably terminate this session");
} else {
dprintf("Accept or connect failed");
/* Same as SSL_want, but also checks the error queue */
rc = SSL_get_error(statePtr->ssl, err);
backingError = ERR_get_error();
if (rc != SSL_ERROR_NONE) {
dprintf("Got error: %i (rc = %i)", err, rc);
dprintf("Got error: %s", ERR_reason_error_string(backingError));
/* The retry flag is set by the BIO_set_retry_* functions */
bioShouldRetry = BIO_should_retry(statePtr->bio);
dprintf("bioShouldRetry = %d", bioShouldRetry);
if (err <= 0) {
bioShouldRetry = 1;
} else if (rc == SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ) {
bioShouldRetry = 1;
statePtr->want |= TCL_READABLE;
} else if (rc == SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE) {
bioShouldRetry = 1;
statePtr->want |= TCL_WRITABLE;
} else if (BIO_should_retry(statePtr->bio)) {
bioShouldRetry = 1;
} else if (rc == SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL && Tcl_GetErrno() == EAGAIN) {
bioShouldRetry = 1;
if (bioShouldRetry) {
dprintf("The I/O did not complete -- but we should try it again");
if (statePtr->flags & TLS_TCL_ASYNC) {
dprintf("Returning EAGAIN so that it can be retried later");
*errorCodePtr = EAGAIN;
return 0;
} else {
dprintf("Doing so now");
dprintf("We have either completely established the session or completely failed it -- there is no more need to ever retry it though");
switch (rc) {
/* The TLS/SSL I/O operation completed successfully */
dprintf("The connection is good");
*errorCodePtr = 0;
/* A non-recoverable, fatal error in the SSL library occurred,
usually a protocol error. This includes certificate validation
errors. */
dprintf("SSL_ERROR_SSL: Got permanent fatal SSL error, aborting immediately");
if (SSL_get_verify_result(statePtr->ssl) != X509_V_OK) {
if (backingError != 0) {
Tls_Error(statePtr, ERR_reason_error_string(backingError));
statePtr->flags |= TLS_TCL_HANDSHAKE_FAILED;
*errorCodePtr = ECONNABORTED;
return -1;
/* Some non-recoverable, fatal I/O error occurred */
if (backingError == 0 && err == 0) {
dprintf("EOF reached")
*errorCodePtr = ECONNRESET;
Tls_Error(statePtr, "(unexpected) EOF reached");
} else if (backingError == 0 && err == -1) {
dprintf("I/O error occurred (errno = %lu)", (unsigned long) Tcl_GetErrno());
*errorCodePtr = Tcl_GetErrno();
if (*errorCodePtr == ECONNRESET) {
*errorCodePtr = ECONNABORTED;
Tls_Error(statePtr, Tcl_ErrnoMsg(*errorCodePtr));
} else {
dprintf("I/O error occurred (backingError = %lu)", backingError);
*errorCodePtr = Tcl_GetErrno();
if (*errorCodePtr == ECONNRESET) {
*errorCodePtr = ECONNABORTED;
Tls_Error(statePtr, ERR_reason_error_string(backingError));
statePtr->flags |= TLS_TCL_HANDSHAKE_FAILED;
return -1;
/* Peer has closed the connection by sending the close_notify alert.
Can't read, but can write. Need to return an EOF, so channel is
closed which will send an SSL_shutdown(). */
dprintf("SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN: Connect returned an invalid value...");
*errorCodePtr = ECONNRESET;
Tls_Error(statePtr, "Peer has closed the connection for writing by sending the close_notify alert");
return -1;
/* More data must be read from the underlying BIO layer in order to
complete the actual SSL_*() operation. */
*errorCodePtr = EAGAIN;
statePtr->want |= TCL_READABLE;
return 0;
/* There is data in the SSL buffer that must be written to the
underlying BIO in order to complete the SSL_*() operation. */
*errorCodePtr = EAGAIN;
statePtr->want |= TCL_WRITABLE;
return 0;
/* Connect would have blocked. */
BIO_set_retry_reason(statePtr->bio, BIO_RR_CONNECT);
*errorCodePtr = EAGAIN;
return 0;
/* Accept would have blocked */
BIO_set_retry_reason(statePtr->bio, BIO_RR_ACCEPT);
*errorCodePtr = EAGAIN;
return 0;
/* Application callback set by SSL_CTX_set_client_cert_cb has asked
to be called again. The operation did not complete because an
application callback set by SSL_CTX_set_client_cert_cb() has
asked to be called again. */
BIO_set_retry_reason(statePtr->bio, BIO_RR_SSL_X509_LOOKUP);
*errorCodePtr = EAGAIN;
return 0;
/* Used with flag SSL_MODE_ASYNC, op didn't complete because an
async engine is still processing data */
/* The asynchronous job could not be started because there were no
async jobs available in the pool. */
/* The operation did not complete because an application callback
set by SSL_CTX_set_client_hello_cb() has asked to be called again. */
/* The operation did not complete because a certificate verification
callback has asked to be called again via SSL_set_retry_verify(3). */
/* The operation did not complete and should be retried later. */
dprintf("Operation did not complete, call function again later");
*errorCodePtr = EAGAIN;
dprintf("ERR(Other, EAGAIN) ");
return 0;
dprintf("Removing the \"TLS_TCL_INIT\" flag since we have completed the handshake");
statePtr->flags &= ~TLS_TCL_INIT;
dprintf("Returning success");
*errorCodePtr = 0;
return 1;
* TlsInputProc --
* This procedure is invoked by the generic I/O layer to read data from
* the BIO whenever the Tcl_Read(), Tcl_ReadChars, Tcl_Gets, and
* Tcl_GetsObj functions are used. Equivalent to SSL_read_ex and SSL_read.
* Results:
* Returns the number of bytes read or -1 on error. Sets errorCodePtr to
* a POSIX error code if an error occurred, or 0 if none.
* Side effects:
* Reads input from the input device of the channel.
* Data is received in whole blocks known as records from the peer. A whole
* record is processed (e.g. decrypted) in one go and is buffered by OpenSSL
* until it is read by the application via a call to SSL_read.
static int TlsInputProc(
ClientData instanceData, /* Connection state info */
char *buf, /* Buffer to store data read from BIO */
int bufSize, /* Buffer size in bytes */
int *errorCodePtr) /* Storage for error code to return */
unsigned long backingError;
State *statePtr = (State *) instanceData;
int bytesRead, err;
*errorCodePtr = 0;
dprintf("Read(%d)", bufSize);
/* Abort if the user verify callback is still running to avoid triggering
* another call before the current one is complete. */
if (statePtr->flags & TLS_TCL_CALLBACK) {
dprintf("Callback is running, reading 0 bytes");
return 0;
/* If not initialized, do connect */
/* Can also check SSL_is_init_finished(ssl) */
if (statePtr->flags & TLS_TCL_INIT) {
int tlsConnect;
dprintf("Calling Tls_WaitForConnect");
tlsConnect = Tls_WaitForConnect(statePtr, errorCodePtr, 0);
if (tlsConnect < 0) {
dprintf("Got an error waiting to connect (tlsConnect = %i, *errorCodePtr = %i)", tlsConnect, *errorCodePtr);
bytesRead = -1;
if (*errorCodePtr == ECONNRESET) {
dprintf("Got connection reset");
/* Soft EOF */
*errorCodePtr = 0;
bytesRead = 0;
return bytesRead;
* We need to clear the SSL error stack now because we sometimes reach
* this function with leftover errors in the stack. If BIO_read
* returns -1 and intends EAGAIN, there is a leftover error, it will be
* misconstrued as an error, not EAGAIN.
* Alternatively, we may want to handle the <0 return codes from
* BIO_read specially (as advised in the RSA docs). TLS's lower level BIO
* functions play with the retry flags though, and this seems to work
* correctly. Similar fix in TlsOutputProc. - hobbs
bytesRead = BIO_read(statePtr->bio, buf, bufSize);
dprintf("BIO_read -> %d", bytesRead);
/* Same as SSL_want, but also checks the error queue */
err = SSL_get_error(statePtr->ssl, bytesRead);
backingError = ERR_get_error();
if (bytesRead <= 0) {
/* The retry flag is set by the BIO_set_retry_* functions */
if (BIO_should_retry(statePtr->bio)) {
dprintf("Read failed with code=%d, bytes read=%d: should retry", err, bytesRead);
/* Some docs imply we should redo the BIO_read now */
} else {
dprintf("Read failed with code=%d, bytes read=%d: error condition", err, bytesRead);
dprintf("BIO is EOF %d", BIO_eof(statePtr->bio));
/* These are the same as BIO_retry_type */
if (BIO_should_read(statePtr->bio)) {
dprintf("BIO has insufficient data to read and return");
statePtr->want |= TCL_READABLE;
if (BIO_should_write(statePtr->bio)) {
dprintf("BIO has pending data to write");
statePtr->want |= TCL_WRITABLE;
if (BIO_should_io_special(statePtr->bio)) {
int reason = BIO_get_retry_reason(statePtr->bio);
dprintf("BIO has some special condition other than read or write: code=%d", reason);
dprintf("BIO has pending data to write");
switch (err) {
/* I/O operation completed */
dprintBuffer(buf, bytesRead);
/* A non-recoverable, fatal error in the SSL library occurred,
usually a protocol error. */
dprintf("SSL error, indicating that the connection has been aborted");
if (backingError != 0) {
Tls_Error(statePtr, ERR_reason_error_string(backingError));
} else if (SSL_get_verify_result(statePtr->ssl) != X509_V_OK) {
} else {
Tls_Error(statePtr, "Unknown SSL error");
*errorCodePtr = ECONNABORTED;
bytesRead = -1;
/* Unexpected EOF from the peer for OpenSSL 3.0+ */
dprintf("(Unexpected) EOF reached")
*errorCodePtr = 0;
bytesRead = 0;
Tls_Error(statePtr, "EOF reached");
/* Operation did not complete due to not enough data was available.
Retry again later. */
dprintf("Got SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ, mapping this to EAGAIN");
*errorCodePtr = EAGAIN;
bytesRead = -1;
statePtr->want |= TCL_READABLE;
/* Operation did not complete due to unable to send all data to the
BIO. Retry again later. */
dprintf("Got SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE, mapping this to EAGAIN");
*errorCodePtr = EAGAIN;
bytesRead = -1;
statePtr->want |= TCL_WRITABLE;
/* Operation didn't complete since application callback set by
SSL_CTX_set_client_cert_cb() asked to be called again. */
dprintf("Got SSL_ERROR_WANT_X509_LOOKUP, mapping it to EAGAIN");
*errorCodePtr = EAGAIN;
bytesRead = -1;
/* Some non-recoverable, fatal I/O error occurred */
if (backingError == 0 && bytesRead == 0) {
/* Unexpected EOF from the peer for OpenSSL 1.1 */
dprintf("(Unexpected) EOF reached")
*errorCodePtr = 0;
bytesRead = 0;
Tls_Error(statePtr, "EOF reached");
} else if (backingError == 0 && bytesRead == -1) {
dprintf("I/O error occurred (errno = %lu)",
(unsigned long) Tcl_GetErrno());
*errorCodePtr = Tcl_GetErrno();
bytesRead = -1;
Tls_Error(statePtr, Tcl_ErrnoMsg(*errorCodePtr));
} else {
dprintf("I/O error occurred (backingError = %lu)", backingError);
*errorCodePtr = Tcl_GetErrno();
bytesRead = -1;
Tls_Error(statePtr, ERR_reason_error_string(backingError));
/* Peer has closed the connection by sending the close_notify alert.
Can't read, but can write. Need to return an EOF, so channel is
closed which will send an SSL_shutdown(). */
dprintf("Got SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN, this means an EOF has been reached");
bytesRead = 0;
*errorCodePtr = 0;
Tls_Error(statePtr, "Peer has closed the connection for writing by sending the close_notify alert");
/* Used with flag SSL_MODE_ASYNC, operation didn't complete because
an async engine is still processing data. */
dprintf("Got SSL_ERROR_WANT_ASYNC, mapping this to EAGAIN");
*errorCodePtr = EAGAIN;
bytesRead = -1;
dprintf("Unknown error (err = %i), mapping to EOF", err);
*errorCodePtr = 0;
bytesRead = 0;
Tls_Error(statePtr, "Unknown error");
dprintf("Input(%d) -> %d [%d]", bufSize, bytesRead, *errorCodePtr);
return bytesRead;
* TlsOutputProc --
* This procedure is invoked by the generic I/O layer to write data to the
* BIO whenever the the Tcl_Write(), Tcl_WriteChars, and Tcl_WriteObj
* functions are used. Equivalent to SSL_write_ex and SSL_write.
* Results:
* Returns the number of bytes written or -1 on error. Sets errorCodePtr
* to a POSIX error code if an error occurred, or 0 if none.
* Side effects:
* Writes output on the output device of the channel.
static int TlsOutputProc(
ClientData instanceData, /* Connection state info */
const char *buf, /* Buffer with data to write to BIO */
int toWrite, /* Size of data to write in bytes */
int *errorCodePtr) /* Storage for error code to return */
unsigned long backingError;
State *statePtr = (State *) instanceData;
int written, err;
*errorCodePtr = 0;
dprintf("Write(%p, %d)", (void *) statePtr, toWrite);
dprintBuffer(buf, toWrite);
/* Abort if the user verify callback is still running to avoid triggering
* another call before the current one is complete. */
if (statePtr->flags & TLS_TCL_CALLBACK) {
dprintf("Don't process output while callbacks are running");
written = -1;
*errorCodePtr = EAGAIN;
return -1;
/* If not initialized, do connect */
/* Can also check SSL_is_init_finished(ssl) */
if (statePtr->flags & TLS_TCL_INIT) {
int tlsConnect;
dprintf("Calling Tls_WaitForConnect");
tlsConnect = Tls_WaitForConnect(statePtr, errorCodePtr, 1);
if (tlsConnect < 0) {
dprintf("Got an error waiting to connect (tlsConnect = %i, *errorCodePtr = %i)",
tlsConnect, *errorCodePtr);
written = -1;
if (*errorCodePtr == ECONNRESET) {
dprintf("Got connection reset");
/* Soft EOF */
*errorCodePtr = 0;
written = 0;
return written;
if (toWrite == 0) {
err = BIO_flush(statePtr->bio);
if (err <= 0) {
dprintf("Flushing failed");
Tls_Error(statePtr, "Flush failed");
*errorCodePtr = EIO;
written = 0;
return -1;
written = 0;
*errorCodePtr = 0;
return 0;
* We need to clear the SSL error stack now because we sometimes reach
* this function with leftover errors in the stack. If BIO_write
* returns -1 and intends EAGAIN, there is a leftover error, it will be
* misconstrued as an error, not EAGAIN.
* Alternatively, we may want to handle the <0 return codes from
* BIO_write specially (as advised in the RSA docs). TLS's lower level
* BIO functions play with the retry flags though, and this seems to
* work correctly. Similar fix in TlsInputProc. - hobbs
written = BIO_write(statePtr->bio, buf, toWrite);
dprintf("BIO_write(%p, %d) -> [%d]", (void *) statePtr, toWrite, written);
/* Same as SSL_want, but also checks the error queue */
err = SSL_get_error(statePtr->ssl, written);
backingError = ERR_get_error();
if (written <= 0) {
/* The retry flag is set by the BIO_set_retry_* functions */
if (BIO_should_retry(statePtr->bio)) {
dprintf("Write failed with code %d, bytes written=%d: should retry",
err, written);
} else {
dprintf("Write failed with code %d, bytes written=%d: error condition",
err, written);
/* These are the same as BIO_retry_type */
if (BIO_should_read(statePtr->bio)) {
dprintf("BIO has insufficient data to read and return");
if (BIO_should_write(statePtr->bio)) {
dprintf("BIO has pending data to write");
if (BIO_should_io_special(statePtr->bio)) {
int reason = BIO_get_retry_reason(statePtr->bio);
dprintf("BIO has some special condition other than read or write: code=%d", reason);
dprintf("BIO has pending data to write");
} else {
switch (err) {
/* I/O operation completed */
if (written < 0) {
written = 0;
/* A non-recoverable, fatal error in the SSL library occurred,
usually a protocol error */
dprintf("SSL error, indicating that the connection has been aborted");
if (backingError != 0) {
Tls_Error(statePtr, ERR_reason_error_string(backingError));
} else if (SSL_get_verify_result(statePtr->ssl) != X509_V_OK) {
} else {
Tls_Error(statePtr, "Unknown SSL error");
*errorCodePtr = ECONNABORTED;
written = -1;
/* Operation did not complete due to not enough data was available.
Retry again later. */
dprintf("Got SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ, mapping it to EAGAIN");
*errorCodePtr = EAGAIN;
written = -1;
statePtr->want |= TCL_READABLE;
/* Operation did not complete due to unable to send all data to the
BIO. Retry later. */
dprintf("Got SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE, mapping it to EAGAIN");
*errorCodePtr = EAGAIN;
written = -1;
statePtr->want |= TCL_WRITABLE;
/* Operation didn't complete since application callback set by
SSL_CTX_set_client_cert_cb() asked to be called again. */
dprintf("Got SSL_ERROR_WANT_X509_LOOKUP, mapping it to EAGAIN");
*errorCodePtr = EAGAIN;
written = -1;
/* Some non-recoverable, fatal I/O error occurred */
if (backingError == 0 && written == 0) {
dprintf("EOF reached")
*errorCodePtr = 0;
written = 0;
Tls_Error(statePtr, "EOF reached");
} else if (backingError == 0 && written == -1) {
dprintf("I/O error occurred (errno = %lu)", (unsigned long) Tcl_GetErrno());
*errorCodePtr = Tcl_GetErrno();
written = -1;
Tls_Error(statePtr, Tcl_ErrnoMsg(*errorCodePtr));
} else {
dprintf("I/O error occurred (backingError = %lu)", backingError);
*errorCodePtr = Tcl_GetErrno();
written = -1;
Tls_Error(statePtr, ERR_reason_error_string(backingError));
/* Peer has closed the connection by sending the close_notify alert.
Can't read, but can write. Need to return an EOF, so channel is
closed which will send an SSL_shutdown(). */
dprintf("Got SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN, this means an EOF has been reached");
*errorCodePtr = 0;
written = 0;
Tls_Error(statePtr, "Peer has closed the connection for writing by sending the close_notify alert");
/* Used with flag SSL_MODE_ASYNC, op didn't complete because an
async engine is still processing data */
dprintf("Got SSL_ERROR_WANT_ASYNC, mapping this to EAGAIN");
*errorCodePtr = EAGAIN;
written = -1;
dprintf("unknown error: %d", err);
Tls_Error(statePtr, "Unknown error");
dprintf("Output(%d) -> %d", toWrite, written);
return written;
* Tls_GetParent --
* Get parent channel for a stacked channel.
* Results:
* Tcl_Channel or NULL if none.
Tcl_Channel Tls_GetParent(
State *statePtr, /* Connection state info */
int maskFlags) /* Which flags to process */
dprintf("Requested to get parent of channel %p", statePtr->self);
if ((statePtr->flags & ~maskFlags) & TLS_TCL_FASTPATH) {
dprintf("Asked to get the parent channel while we are using FastPath -- returning NULL");
return NULL;
return Tcl_GetStackedChannel(statePtr->self);
* TlsSetOptionProc --
* Sets an option to value for a SSL socket based channel. Called by the
* generic I/O layer whenever the Tcl_SetChannelOption() function is used.
* Results:
* TCL_OK if successful or TCL_ERROR if failed.
* Side effects:
* Updates channel option to new value.
static int
ClientData instanceData, /* Socket state. */
Tcl_Interp *interp, /* For errors - can be NULL. */
const char *optionName, /* Name of the option to set the value for, or
* NULL to get all options and their values. */
const char *optionValue) /* Value for option. */
State *statePtr = (State *) instanceData;
Tcl_Channel parent = Tls_GetParent(statePtr, TLS_TCL_FASTPATH);
Tcl_DriverSetOptionProc *setOptionProc;
/* Pass to parent */
setOptionProc = Tcl_ChannelSetOptionProc(Tcl_GetChannelType(parent));
if (setOptionProc != NULL) {
return (*setOptionProc)(Tcl_GetChannelInstanceData(parent), interp, optionName, optionValue);
* Request for a specific option has to fail, we don't have any.
return Tcl_BadChannelOption(interp, optionName, "");
* TlsGetOptionProc --
* Get a option's value for a SSL socket based channel, or a list of all
* options and their values. Called by the generic I/O layer whenever the
* Tcl_GetChannelOption() function is used.
* Results:
* A standard Tcl result. The value of the specified option or a list of
* all options and their values is returned in the supplied DString.
* Side effects:
* None.
static int
ClientData instanceData, /* Socket state. */
Tcl_Interp *interp, /* For errors - can be NULL. */
const char *optionName, /* Name of the option to retrieve the value for,
* or NULL to get all options and their values. */
Tcl_DString *optionValue) /* Where to store the computed value initialized by caller. */
State *statePtr = (State *) instanceData;
Tcl_Channel parent = Tls_GetParent(statePtr, TLS_TCL_FASTPATH);
Tcl_DriverGetOptionProc *getOptionProc;
/* Pass to parent */
getOptionProc = Tcl_ChannelGetOptionProc(Tcl_GetChannelType(parent));
if (getOptionProc != NULL) {
return (*getOptionProc)(Tcl_GetChannelInstanceData(parent), interp,
optionName, optionValue);
} else if (optionName == (char*) NULL) {
* Request is query for all options, this is ok.
return TCL_OK;
* Request for a specific option has to fail, we don't have any.
return Tcl_BadChannelOption(interp, optionName, "");
* TlsChannelHandlerTimer --
* Called by the notifier via a timer, to flush out data waiting in
* channel buffers. called by the generic I/O layer whenever the
* Tcl_GetChannelHandle() function is used.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* Creates notification event.
static void TlsChannelHandlerTimer(
ClientData clientData) /* Socket state. */
State *statePtr = (State *) clientData;
int mask = statePtr->want; /* Init to SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ and SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE */
statePtr->timer = (Tcl_TimerToken) NULL;
/* Check for amount of data pending in BIO write buffer */
if (BIO_wpending(statePtr->bio)) {
dprintf("[chan=%p] BIO writable", statePtr->self);
/* Check for amount of data pending in BIO read buffer */
if (BIO_pending(statePtr->bio)) {
dprintf("[chan=%p] BIO readable", statePtr->self);
/* Notify the generic IO layer that the mask events have occurred on the channel */
dprintf("Notifying ourselves");
Tcl_NotifyChannel(statePtr->self, mask);
statePtr->want = 0;
* TlsWatchProc --
* Set up the event notifier to watch for events of interest from this
* channel. Called by the generic I/O layer whenever the user (or the
* system) announces its (dis)interest in events on the channel. This is
* called repeatedly.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* Sets up the time-based notifier so that future events on the channel
* will be seen by TCL.
static void
ClientData instanceData, /* Connection state info */
int mask) /* Events of interest; an OR-ed combination of
Tcl_Channel parent;
State *statePtr = (State *) instanceData;
Tcl_DriverWatchProc *watchProc;
int pending = 0;
dprintf("Called with mask 0x%02x", mask);
/* Abort if the user verify callback is still running to avoid triggering
* another call before the current one is complete. */
if (statePtr->flags & TLS_TCL_CALLBACK) {
dprintf("Callback is on-going, doing nothing");
parent = Tls_GetParent(statePtr, TLS_TCL_FASTPATH);
if (statePtr->flags & TLS_TCL_HANDSHAKE_FAILED) {
dprintf("Asked to watch a socket with a failed handshake -- nothing can happen here");
dprintf("Unregistering interest in the lower channel");
watchProc = Tcl_ChannelWatchProc(Tcl_GetChannelType(parent));
watchProc(Tcl_GetChannelInstanceData(parent), 0);
statePtr->watchMask = 0;
statePtr->watchMask = mask;
/* No channel handlers any more. We will be notified automatically about
* events on the channel below via a call to our 'TransformNotifyProc'. But
* we have to pass the interest down now. We are allowed to add additional
* 'interest' to the mask if we want to, but this transformation has no
* such interest. It just passes the request down, unchanged.
dprintf("Registering our interest in the lower channel (chan=%p)", (void *) parent);
watchProc = Tcl_ChannelWatchProc(Tcl_GetChannelType(parent));
watchProc(Tcl_GetChannelInstanceData(parent), mask);
/* Do we have any pending events */
pending = (statePtr->want || \
((mask & TCL_READABLE) && ((Tcl_InputBuffered(statePtr->self) > 0) || (BIO_ctrl_pending(statePtr->bio) > 0))) ||
((mask & TCL_WRITABLE) && ((Tcl_OutputBuffered(statePtr->self) > 0) || (BIO_ctrl_wpending(statePtr->bio) > 0))));
dprintf("IO Want=%d, input buffer=%d, output buffer=%d, BIO pending=%zd, BIO wpending=%zd", \
statePtr->want, Tcl_InputBuffered(statePtr->self), Tcl_OutputBuffered(statePtr->self), \
BIO_ctrl_pending(statePtr->bio), BIO_ctrl_wpending(statePtr->bio));
if (!(mask & TCL_READABLE) || pending == 0) {
/* Remove timer, if any */
if (statePtr->timer != (Tcl_TimerToken) NULL) {
dprintf("A timer was found, deleting it");
statePtr->timer = (Tcl_TimerToken) NULL;
} else {
/* Add timer, if none */
if (statePtr->timer == (Tcl_TimerToken) NULL) {
dprintf("Creating a new timer since data appears to be waiting");
statePtr->timer = Tcl_CreateTimerHandler(TLS_TCL_DELAY, TlsChannelHandlerTimer, (ClientData) statePtr);
* TlsGetHandleProc --
* This procedure is invoked by the generic IO level to retrieve an OS
* specific handle associated with the channel. Not used for transforms.
* Results:
* The appropriate Tcl_File handle or NULL if none.
* Side effects:
* None.
static int TlsGetHandleProc(
ClientData instanceData, /* Socket state. */
int direction, /* TCL_READABLE or TCL_WRITABLE */
ClientData *handlePtr) /* Handle associated with the channel */
State *statePtr = (State *) instanceData;
return Tcl_GetChannelHandle(Tls_GetParent(statePtr, TLS_TCL_FASTPATH),
direction, handlePtr);
* TlsNotifyProc --
* This procedure is invoked by the generic IO level to notify the channel
* that an event has occurred on the underlying channel. It is used by
* stacked channel drivers that wish to be notified of events that occur
* on the underlying (stacked) channel.
* Results:
* Type of event or 0 if failed
* Side effects:
* May process the incoming event by itself.
static int TlsNotifyProc(
ClientData instanceData, /* Socket state. */
int mask) /* type of event that occurred: OR-ed
* combination of TCL_READABLE or TCL_WRITABLE */
State *statePtr = (State *) instanceData;
int errorCode = 0;
* Delete an existing timer. It was not fired, yet we are
* here, so the channel below generated such an event and we
* don't have to. The renewal of the interest after the
* execution of channel handlers will eventually cause us to
* recreate the timer (in WatchProc).
if (statePtr->timer != (Tcl_TimerToken) NULL) {
statePtr->timer = (Tcl_TimerToken) NULL;
/* Skip if user verify callback is still running */
if (statePtr->flags & TLS_TCL_CALLBACK) {
dprintf("Callback is on-going, returning failed");
return 0;
/* If not initialized, do connect */
if (statePtr->flags & TLS_TCL_INIT) {
int tlsConnect;
dprintf("Calling Tls_WaitForConnect");
tlsConnect = Tls_WaitForConnect(statePtr, &errorCode, 1);
if (tlsConnect < 1) {
dprintf("Got an error waiting to connect (tlsConnect = %i, *errorCodePtr = %i)", tlsConnect, errorCode);
if (errorCode == EAGAIN) {
dprintf("Async flag could be set (didn't check) and errorCode == EAGAIN: Returning failed");
return 0;
dprintf("Tls_WaitForConnect returned an error");
dprintf("Returning %i", mask);
* An event occurred in the underlying channel. This
* transformation doesn't process such events thus returns the
* incoming mask unchanged.
return mask;
* Tls_ChannelType --
* Defines the correct TLS channel driver handlers for this channel type.
* Results:
* Tcl_ChannelType structure.
* Side effects:
* None.
static const Tcl_ChannelType tlsChannelType = {
"tls", /* Type name */
TCL_CHANNEL_VERSION_5, /* v5 channel */
TlsCloseProc, /* Close proc */
TlsInputProc, /* Input proc */
TlsOutputProc, /* Output proc */
NULL, /* Seek proc */
TlsSetOptionProc, /* Set option proc */
TlsGetOptionProc, /* Get option proc */
TlsWatchProc, /* Initialize notifier */
TlsGetHandleProc, /* Get OS handles out of channel */
TlsClose2Proc, /* close2proc */
TlsBlockModeProc, /* Set blocking/nonblocking mode*/
NULL, /* Flush proc */
TlsNotifyProc, /* Handling of events bubbling up */
NULL, /* Wide seek proc */
NULL, /* Thread action */
NULL /* Truncate */
const Tcl_ChannelType *Tls_ChannelType(void) {
return &tlsChannelType;