# Name: Make Test Files From CSV Files
# Version: 0.3
# Date: March 9, 2024
# Author: Brian O'Hagan
# Email: brian199@comcast.net
# Legal Notice: (c) Copyright 2020 by Brian O'Hagan
# Released under the Apache v2.0 license. I would appreciate a copy of any modifications
# made to this package for possible incorporation in a future release.
# Parse CSV line
proc parse_csv {ch data} {
set buffer ""
set result [list]
set start 0
set end [string length $data]
while {$start < $end} {
if {[string index $data $start] eq "\""} {
# Quoted
if {[set index [string first "\"" $data [incr start]]] > -1} {
set next [string index $data [expr {$index + 1}]]
if {$next eq "\""} {
# Quote
append buffer [string range $data $start $index]
set start [incr index]
} else {
# End of quoted data
append buffer [string range $data $start [incr index -1]]
set start [incr index 3]
lappend result $buffer
set buffer ""
} else {
# Multi-line
append buffer [string range $data $start end] "\n"
gets $ch new
set data "\""
append data $new
set start 0
set end [string length $data]
} else {
# Not quoted, so no embedded NL, quotes, or commas
set index [string first "," $data $start]
if {$index > -1} {
lappend result [string range $data $start [incr index -1]]
set start [incr index 2]
} else {
lappend result [string range $data $start end]
set start [string length $data]
return $result
# Convert test case file into test files
proc process_config_file {filename} {
set prev ""
set test 0
# Open file with test case indo
set in [open $filename r]
array set cases [list]
# Open output test file
set out [open [format %s.test [file rootname $filename]] w]
fconfigure $out -encoding utf-8 -translation {auto lf}
array set cases [list]
# Add setup commands to test file
puts $out [format "# Auto generated test cases for %s" [file tail $filename]]
#puts $out [format "# Auto generated test cases for %s created on %s" [file tail $filename] [clock format [clock seconds]]]
# Package requires
puts $out "\n# Load Tcl Test package"
puts $out [subst -nocommands {if {[lsearch [namespace children] ::tcltest] == -1} {\n\tpackage require tcltest\n\tnamespace import ::tcltest::*\n}\n}]
puts $out {set auto_path [concat [list [file dirname [file dirname [info script]]]] $auto_path]}
puts $out ""
# Generate test cases and add to test file
while {[gets $in data] > -1} {
# Skip comments
set data [string trim $data]
if {[string match "#*" $data]} continue
# Split comma separated fields with quotes
set list [parse_csv $in $data]
# Get command or test case
foreach {group name constraints setup body cleanup match result output errorOutput returnCodes} $list {
if {$group eq "command"} {
puts $out $name
} elseif {$group ne "" && $body ne ""} {
set group [string map [list " " "_"] $group]
if {$group ne $prev} {
incr test
set prev $group
puts $out ""
# Test case
if {[string index $name 0] ne {$}} {
set buffer [format "\ntest %s-%d.%d {%s}" $group $test [incr cases($group)] $name]
} else {
set buffer [format "\ntest %s-%d.%d %s" $group $test [incr cases($group)] $name]
foreach opt [list -constraints -setup -body -cleanup -match -result -output -errorOutput -returnCodes] {
set cmd [string trim [set [string trimleft $opt "-"]]]
if {$cmd ne ""} {
if {$opt in [list -setup -body -cleanup]} {
append buffer " " $opt " \{\n"
foreach line [split $cmd ";"] {
append buffer \t [string trim $line] \n
append buffer " \}"
} elseif {$opt in [list -output -errorOutput]} {
append buffer " " $opt " {" $cmd \n "}"
} elseif {$opt in [list -result]} {
if {[string index $cmd 0] in [list \[ \" \{ \$]} {
append buffer " " $opt " " $cmd
} elseif {[string match {*[\\$]*} $cmd]} {
append buffer " " $opt " \"" [string map [list \\\\\" \\\"] [string map [list \" \\\" ] $cmd]] "\""
} else {
append buffer " " $opt " {" $cmd "}"
} else {
append buffer " " $opt " {" $cmd "}"
puts $out $buffer
} else {
# Empty line
puts $out ""
# Output clean-up commands
puts $out "\n# Cleanup\n::tcltest::cleanupTests\nreturn"
close $out
close $in
# Call script
foreach file [glob *.csv] {
puts $file
process_config_file $file