50 most recent events occurring on or after 2020-10-09 16:00:49.
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15:44 | Merge add-support-alpn into main check-in: 4b4daeada4 user: bohagan tags: trunk | |
15:41 | Added doc update Closed-Leaf check-in: 2a9db3009c user: bohagan tags: add-support-alpn | |
14:51 | Added doc update Closed-Leaf check-in: e0f002ecb1 user: bohagan tags: feature-dump-keys | |
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02:10 | • New ticket [c4b29d1dd5] new configure.ac created by autoupdate. artifact: b21e381c94 user: anonymous | |
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02:06 | • New ticket [006bd0c74e] PATCH: BIO_CTRL_PUSH not handled. artifact: 3d971a41a9 user: ssteidl | |
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14:23 | • New ticket [cfba27dc07] Build against LibreSSL 3.5.3 has missing definitions. artifact: 0fb4157e56 user: anonymous | |
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21:56 | • Ticket [799aae4e72] http::geturl hangs if certificate verify failed status still Open with 5 other changes artifact: 543e5574bd user: anonymous | |
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16:14 | Bug [8de7f5aa07]: Add support for dumping SSL keys check-in: 2c773b9a38 user: schelte tags: feature-dump-keys | |
16:12 | Create new branch named "feature-dump-keys" check-in: f6b9f887ef user: rkeene tags: feature-dump-keys | |
16:11 | Fixed broken merge check-in: 352cf6c71b user: rkeene tags: add-support-alpn | |
16:10 | • Edit [07bafe02de]: Move to branch add-support-alpn. artifact: 2d5fcd3036 user: rkeene | |
16:08 | Bug [e1f9a21c67]: Start of ALPN support check-in: 07bafe02de user: schelte tags: add-support-alpn | |
16:07 | Create new branch named "add-support-alpn" check-in: 283dc6f133 user: rkeene tags: add-support-alpn | |
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18:13 | • Ticket [37bbdb9fb2] `make install` does not work when `configure` was called without --prefix status still Open with 5 other changes artifact: deede30708 user: anonymous | |
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07:17 | • Ticket [316976aff3] rules-ext.vc missing from win directory status still Open with 3 other changes artifact: 3c116178f4 user: anonymous ... 1 similar event omitted. | |
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04:44 | • Ticket [ad8604520e] Server accept invoked before handshake completed status still Open with 5 other changes artifact: ad00412d8a user: anonymous ... 1 similar event omitted. | |
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08:42 | • Ticket [305ee10b86] support of openssl options in tls:init status still Open with 5 other changes artifact: a2bbedc6f5 user: anonymous ... 1 similar event omitted. | |
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09:17 | • New ticket [8de7f5aa07] Enable debugging with wireshark. artifact: 2b67d297aa user: schelte | |
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12:24 | • Ticket [e1f9a21c67] Add support for ALPN (required for HTTP/2) status still Open with 5 other changes artifact: ce74d804db user: schelte ... 1 similar event omitted. | |
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10:18 | • New ticket [0469a61ebc] handshake failed: certificate verify failed. artifact: f0d4fcf06a user: tombert | |
10:12 | • Ticket [2c7b748796] Control TLS socket server errors status still Open with 3 other changes artifact: 582c343024 user: tombert | |
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21:01 | • Ticket [520a0fa76b] unable to install on CentOS 7 x64 status still Open with 5 other changes artifact: 00bbe1e335 user: tamayes ... 1 similar event omitted. | |
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05:34 | • Ticket [2c7b748796] Control TLS socket server errors status still Open with 5 other changes artifact: d28e12627d user: aspect | |
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22:02 | • New ticket [316976aff3] rules-ext.vc missing from win directory. artifact: 20426571eb user: anonymous | |
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08:17 | • New ticket [37bbdb9fb2] `make install` does not work when `configure` was called without --prefix. artifact: b0cf94ff67 user: anonymous | |
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13:03 | • Closed ticket [0c51e2e5de]: tcltls patch to obtain negotiated SSL/TLS protocol version plus 2 other changes artifact: 33e2fa93d6 user: oehhar | |
13:01 | • Closed ticket [604bb68b5c]: How to build Tcl tls on Windows 64 bit (VisualStudio 12) from scratch? plus 5 other changes artifact: 07b6b5a31e user: oehhar | |
12:56 | • Edit [b6aa13660a]: Mark "Closed". artifact: 21f0640888 user: oehhar | |
12:56 | Ticket [604bb68b5c] : rudimentary nmake build system check-in: b5c41cdeb6 user: oehhar tags: trunk | |
12:18 | • Ticket [604bb68b5c] How to build Tcl tls on Windows 64 bit (VisualStudio 12) from scratch? status still Open with 4 other changes artifact: 55a6899182 user: oehhar ... 1 similar event omitted. | |
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10:54 | Corrected instructions. Removed already applied patch Closed-Leaf check-in: b6aa13660a user: oehhar tags: bug-604bb68b5c-nmake | |
10:40 | • Ticket [604bb68b5c] How to build Tcl tls on Windows 64 bit (VisualStudio 12) from scratch? status still Open with 4 other changes artifact: b2b6ac0b93 user: oehhar | |
10:36 | Ticket [604bb68b5c]. Add first sketch of a nmake build. check-in: 2babef91c5 user: oehhar tags: bug-604bb68b5c-nmake | |
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07:38 | • Ticket [0c51e2e5de] tcltls patch to obtain negotiated SSL/TLS protocol version status still Fixed with 4 other changes artifact: cd1c3912d7 user: oehhar | |
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20:45 | • Changes to wiki page Download artifact: dcaf8be6aa user: rkeene | |
20:39 | • Edit [367f5093db]: Add tag "tls-1-7-22". artifact: 9f9282c2b8 user: rkeene | |
20:39 | • Edit [367f5093db]: Add tag "tls-1-7-22". artifact: 281e941a7b user: rkeene | |
20:39 | TclTLS 1.7.22 Closed-Leaf check-in: 367f5093db user: rkeene tags: tls-1-7, tls-1-7-22 | |
20:38 | Merged in trunk check-in: 81f58fc458 user: rkeene tags: tls-1-7 | |
20:37 | • Changes to wiki page Documentation artifact: 6088730c61 user: rkeene | |
20:34 | • Fixed ticket [0c51e2e5de]: tcltls patch to obtain negotiated SSL/TLS protocol version plus 3 other changes artifact: d7653d1d94 user: rkeene | |
20:32 | add "version" element with SSL/TLS protocol version to tls::status check-in: 9c32a526ed user: resuna tags: trunk | |
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17:59 | • Ticket [0c51e2e5de] tcltls patch to obtain negotiated SSL/TLS protocol version status still Open with 5 other changes artifact: 2f8fe6042e user: resuna ... 1 similar event omitted. | |