50 ticket changes occurring on or before 2024-06-25 03:33:14.
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03:33 | • Ticket [636cbfcca3] Tip of tcltls crashes status still Open with 5 other changes artifact: ad8859425c user: anonymous | |
03:32 | • New ticket [636cbfcca3]. artifact: b2c5c78422 user: anonymous | |
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01:10 | • Closed ticket [c4b29d1dd5]: new configure.ac created by autoupdate plus 5 other changes artifact: 215eaf4b86 user: bohagan | |
01:06 | • Closed ticket [6da6e5f4cd]: openssl 3 support plus 5 other changes artifact: 73620e737e user: bohagan | |
01:02 | • Closed ticket [b023257dcf]: -servername seemingly ignored when validating cerrts plus 5 other changes artifact: 0b94da9988 user: bohagan | |
00:45 | • Closed ticket [c6b35cf0e3]: Test tls-bug58-1.0 fails on FreeBSD plus 5 other changes artifact: 412e2029f3 user: bohagan | |
00:40 | • Closed ticket [64cdb76212]: tests/all.tcl always succeeds plus 3 other changes artifact: e9be2539c8 user: bohagan | |
00:36 | • Closed ticket [539d25f105]: The isServer argument of CTX_Init() is unused plus 5 other changes artifact: 63a8a21de0 user: bohagan | |
00:30 | • Ticket [88c0c84969] EOF handling potentially broken with OpenSSL 1.1.1e or newer status still Open with 4 other changes artifact: 28d32ca3e2 user: bohagan | |
00:23 | • Ticket [bb7085cfdc] Test tlsIO-8.1 breaks on FreeBSD status still Closed with 4 other changes artifact: 410ca44564 user: bohagan | |
00:20 | • Ticket [006bd0c74e] PATCH: BIO_CTRL_PUSH not handled status still Closed with 3 other changes artifact: 390db77fda user: bohagan | |
00:17 | • Ticket [2c7b748796] Control TLS socket server errors status still Closed with 3 other changes artifact: a09a07e554 user: bohagan | |
00:13 | • Ticket [c9a4f87325] Use ${prefix}/lib instead TCL_PACKAGE_PATH to find installation folder status still Open with 5 other changes artifact: 67ead55214 user: bohagan | |
00:10 | • Ticket [67c13bf99e] --enable-static-ssl configure option has no effect status still Open with 3 other changes artifact: 139295eee8 user: bohagan | |
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23:08 | • Ticket [953b97ccc6] make install fails status still Open with 3 other changes artifact: 9b14dff056 user: bohagan | |
22:59 | • Ticket [953b97ccc6]: 5 changes artifact: 0f09921ce3 user: Brian | |
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14:15 | • New ticket [953b97ccc6]. artifact: 1bcb4c821d user: anonymous | |
12:56 | • Ticket [67c13bf99e] --enable-static-ssl configure option has no effect status still Open with 3 other changes artifact: a21b411f6b user: anonymous | |
12:56 | • Ticket [67c13bf99e]: 5 changes artifact: 288513c934 user: anonymous | |
08:38 | • New ticket [67c13bf99e]. artifact: 53ab8b724c user: anonymous | |
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10:14 | • New ticket [c9a4f87325] Use ${prefix}/lib instead TCL_PACKAGE_PATH to find installation folder. artifact: 3fced9e541 user: oehhar | |
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15:31 | • Closed ticket [bb7085cfdc]: Test tlsIO-8.1 breaks on FreeBSD plus 5 other changes artifact: b0b1c58403 user: jan.nijtmans | |
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17:47 | • Closed ticket [006bd0c74e]: PATCH: BIO_CTRL_PUSH not handled plus 4 other changes artifact: 4b5f684820 user: jan.nijtmans | |
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21:44 | • Closed ticket [2c7b748796]: Control TLS socket server errors plus 2 other changes artifact: afbdc4ab60 user: oehhar | |
21:43 | • Deferred ticket [2c7b748796]. artifact: 4fad39455e user: oehhar | |
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12:32 | • Ticket [88c0c84969] EOF handling potentially broken with OpenSSL 1.1.1e or newer status still Open with 3 other changes artifact: 9bf50203b7 user: Avalanchee | |
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02:46 | • New ticket [539d25f105] The isServer argument of CTX_Init() is unused. artifact: ea32995d09 user: doofus | |
02:45 | • Ticket [64cdb76212] tests/all.tcl always succeeds status still Open with 5 other changes artifact: 3e38d50e19 user: doofus | |
02:43 | • New ticket [64cdb76212]. artifact: 6fa1ec034e user: doofus | |
02:12 | • New ticket [c6b35cf0e3] Test tls-bug58-1.0 fails on FreeBSD. artifact: 7ab9a49fd3 user: doofus | |
01:46 | • New ticket [bb7085cfdc] Test tlsIO-8.1 breaks on FreeBSD. artifact: 68ad7f77a7 user: doofus | |
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09:58 | • Ticket [88c0c84969] EOF handling potentially broken with OpenSSL 1.1.1e or newer status still Open with 3 other changes artifact: 2f9a729234 user: gustafn3 | |
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21:15 | • Ticket [88c0c84969]: 5 changes artifact: 515aa59d81 user: azazel | |
21:00 | • Closed ticket [c5811f0d43]: Unexpected EOF's treated as errors by openssl 3.0 plus 5 other changes artifact: 07bdef3229 user: azazel | |
18:31 | • New ticket [c5811f0d43]. artifact: ca3faf101a user: azazel | |
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11:55 | • New ticket [88c0c84969] EOF handling potentially broken with OpenSSL 1.1.1e or newer. artifact: 639511f397 user: gustafn3 | |
09:40 | • Ticket [006bd0c74e] PATCH: BIO_CTRL_PUSH not handled status still Open with 5 other changes artifact: 579f872175 user: gustafn3 | |
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13:11 | • New ticket [0271e75530] different dh param bit sizes in server key exchange. artifact: 022949b9d5 user: anonymous | |
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11:15 | • New ticket [b023257dcf] -servername seemingly ignored when validating cerrts. artifact: 7c3c7c67dc user: anonymous | |
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18:28 | • New ticket [6da6e5f4cd] openssl 3 support. artifact: 2c46410617 user: isleong | |
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18:27 | • Ticket [b9d780ee7e] server socket doesn't reply close_notify status still Open with 5 other changes artifact: 2771123a35 user: anonymous | |
18:22 | • New ticket [b9d780ee7e]. artifact: 72a80e5d70 user: anonymous | |
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02:10 | • New ticket [c4b29d1dd5] new configure.ac created by autoupdate. artifact: b21e381c94 user: anonymous | |
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02:06 | • New ticket [006bd0c74e] PATCH: BIO_CTRL_PUSH not handled. artifact: 3d971a41a9 user: ssteidl | |
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14:23 | • New ticket [cfba27dc07] Build against LibreSSL 3.5.3 has missing definitions. artifact: 0fb4157e56 user: anonymous | |
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21:56 | • Ticket [799aae4e72] http::geturl hangs if certificate verify failed status still Open with 5 other changes artifact: 543e5574bd user: anonymous | |
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18:13 | • Ticket [37bbdb9fb2] `make install` does not work when `configure` was called without --prefix status still Open with 5 other changes artifact: deede30708 user: anonymous | |
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07:17 | • Ticket [316976aff3] rules-ext.vc missing from win directory status still Open with 3 other changes artifact: 3c116178f4 user: anonymous | |
06:36 | • Ticket [316976aff3]: 5 changes artifact: a86910a74f user: anonymous | |
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04:44 | • Ticket [ad8604520e] Server accept invoked before handshake completed status still Open with 5 other changes artifact: ad00412d8a user: anonymous | |